
Man Arrested after Making Conspiracy Comments at Charity Run for Slain Sandy

According to witnesses on the scene, she sacrificed herself to save her students. But Mills hadn’t come to Stratford, Connecticut, to offer condolences and support for the family of the teacher who was murdered trying to protect her students – he came to ask Jillian Soto whether a widely circulated photograph of her family was doctored as part of an elaborate conspiracy to take Americans’ guns.


She has widely been hailed as a hero.

A NY man was arrested at the Vicki Soto 5k Charity Run in Stratford on Saturday.

Conspiracy theorist… Matthew Mills, 32, allegedly confronted the sister of a Sandy Hook murder victim.

Police said the photo was of the Soto family, including Vicki Soto, sitting on a seawall in Stratford.

Mills told the Daily News he attended the event to “politely” ask the family of the former teacher. (Snopes has a handy rundown of the specifics of this particular brand of bullshit, as do thousands of wild-eyed YouTube videos with descriptions in ALL CAPS WITH MANY EXCLAMATION MARKS!!) They are garbage and bad, and everyone involved should feel bad.

Sandy Hook “trutherism” is a movement of people who believe that the shooting was staged, and never actually happened. “I just asked one question”. “People say the rocks don’t match up, the shadows don’t match up”.


“I just wanted to put to rest whether these four kids were really there together on those rocks that day or not”. “It’s not for shock value”. Mills burst on to the podium a post-game press conference, grabbing a microphone from a player and shouting, “Investigate 9/11!”

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