
Man charged after shooting Pokemon Go video on TTC

He was filmed walking on the train tracks while on his smartphone. But a Toronto comedian chose to do something a little more risky for his Pokemon Go video.


How far would you go to catch ’em all in Toronto?

A comedian who hopped on Toronto’s subway tracks to make a “cautionary” video about Pokemon Go says he won’t fight a charge against him.

One of the scenes of the video shows Correia hopping onto subway tracks and walking along them casually while staring at his phone. He admitted that the stunt was unsafe and illegal but said he was only on the tracks for a few seconds. Correia has accepted the charges and says he takes full responsibilities for his actions.

TTC spokesperson Brad Ross said at the time that Correira could have tripped and made contact with the electrified third wire that runs along the track. Ross noted in July that trains at Union Station come in on a curve, so there’s no line of sight. He’s slated to appear in court on September 16.

Correia said he and his friends had agreed that if they were charged, they wouldn’t “run from it”. He added that it was also risky because he could have tripped and touched the third rail, which would have electrocuted him.


Pokemon Go continues to inspire unusual headlines.

Man charged after making Pokemon Go video