
Man Pulls Insane Prank on Family – The Internet Goes Crazy

A MI student who hired a fake family to pose for his Christmas card pictures said he hopes the pictures going viral won’t tip off his real relatives.


Brassow posted he had set aside 100-dollars for the prank, but it ended up costing him half that.

People also offered to donate their photography skills and studio space to photograph the family that Brassow chose, a woman by the name of Jess Jaxx and her teenage sons. In the end, the family was free. In order to fool his actual extended family, the card introduces the merry gang as “Josh, Patty “Bone-crusher” Johnson, and the boys Blade and Thor”. The mock Christmas card consist of three photos one of Josh and his inked wife, one of the whole family, and the last one of Josh hugging is other half announcing that they are pregnant.

Take a look at the hilarious card in question below.

Brassow shared the images on Facebook, where they quickly spread on social media.

Once the completed card went up online, it spread like wildfire. “That’s nearly a better way of revealing it than a card in the mail”.


“My Aunt Beverly in Arizona said she read it in a news article and didn’t realize right away that it was me and was just reading about this unusual kid”, he said.

Student in Michigan hires fake family for Christmas card prank story image