
Man’s home in Massachusetts mistakenly set as Pokémon Go gym

Based on the guides in The Attack of The Fan Boy, if a player takes over a gym, he has to watch out for the three team colors.


In the world of Pokemon GO, players are encouraged to walk around their cities to find wild Pokemon, and stop at various landmarks to collect items (PokeStops) or battle gym leaders.

Pokemon Go is a very complicated game.

We’d like to preface this article by reminding players everywhere to stay safe while they’re becoming a master trainer. Make sure you plan this all out and only send ones that won’t be helpful to you later in the game.

Pokemon GO’s inclusion of Trump Tower as a gym is just the latest video game-related appearance from the controversial presidential candidate. This is also the most likely system as this is what we’ve seen from the trailer. It’s important to note that even taking out one gym pokemon will result in prestige loss, so if you have enough potions and revives you can definitely brute-force a gym takeover (although I really wouldn’t recommend it if your pokemon are truly under-leveled against all or some of the gym pokemon).

Some of the most popular locations to catch Pokemon, get goodies from PokeStops and meet people in Lubbock are: Texas Tech, the Depot District and bigger parks in town like Maxey and Mackenzie. The gym level dictates how many pokemon slots the gym actually has, which obviously assists in the overall defense of the gym. Review the pokedex for some general info on each pokemon (assuming you have the entries).


Pokemon GO is available now for iOS and Android mobile devices. Given that Team Instinct’s mascot (Zapdos) has been scientifically proven to be the coolest of the legendary bird Pokemon, the exact reason behind the team’s underwhelming performance in this poll remains unclear at this time. The more footprints under the Pokemon, the farther away it is. If a player has already caught a Pokemon that is the same as one that is close, a full picture will show up to indicate the Pokemon’s presence. Capturing and fighting virtual Pokemons is only half the adventure. This is nearly like the Pokemon rustling the bushes and, if approached, a Pokemon will more than likely appear to the user. The first is the Prestige, the second is the gym level, and the third are the guardian pokemon for that gym. Different Pokemon will have different difficulty levels for catching, so make sure you’re stocked up on Pokeballs.

Pokemon Go Man’s house accidentally turned into ‘gym’ causing huge problems