
Manafort Tells RNC Trump Has a Different Private Persona

That could help Cruz if Republicans face a contested convention this summer in Cleveland.


As his team made their case in Hollywood, Florida, Mr Trump gave a hint of a possible change of emphasis as he spoke out against North Carolina’s “bathroom law”, which forces transgender people to use the bathroom that matches the sex on their birth certificates.

Donald Trump isn’t an American demagogue who would get crushed in a general election, he just plays one on TV. “And one of the best answers I heard was from a commentator yesterday saying, ‘Leave it the way it is right now, there have been very few problems, leave it the way it is”.

Trump says it’s OK for transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice. There has been so little trouble.

Cruz also spent a significant portion of his Thursday speech on wooing Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, showering praise on the Republican for his stances on school choice and tax cuts. “We are going to spend a lot of time here in IN, working to earn your vote”, said Cruz.

At a campaign event in Pennsylvania on Thursday, Trump said he is not sure if he is ready to start acting more “presidential”.

With numerous candidates either choosing to remain uncommitted or waiting on their congressional district’s choice to make their own, the contest for the delegates’ loyalties is expected to extend well past next week’s primary. “And I’ll come back as a presidential person and instead of 10,000 people, I’ll have about 150 people”, Trump said. But the Texas senator vows to block Trump from collecting the necessary delegates as well. Cruz, who finished second, will have 27. But their slates, which list individual delegate hopefuls that have promised to support the candidates at the convention, both fall well short of the total unbound bounty.

Angry Trump supporters have responded to claims of a “rigged” nomination process by directing violent threats at Republican National Committee delegates that they believe won’t support Trump at the party’s convention. The original story incorrectly stated that Manafort said: “You’ll see a real different guy”. “All Mississippi delegates, 40 of us, will either be bound for Trump or Cruz”, Barbour told ABC News’ Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl, Political Director Rick Klein and Political analyst Matthew Dowd for the “Powerhouse Politics” podcast.


Trump, who has alarmed some establishment Republicans with his comments on immigration, Muslims and trade, has begun to moderate his message in recent days.
