
Manjarres: If Marco Rubio Apologizes for Amnesty Support, Americans Will

Former Republican Party of Florida chairman Carole Jean Jordan said Tuesday it was never her job to question personal expenses charged by Marco Rubio when he used a party American Express card as a state lawmaker.


When the Florida legislature passed a ban on gifts from lobbyists to lawmakers in 2005, Marco Rubio predicted it would “go down as the most meaningful institutional reform that we’ve made here”. This part of the 20th century, the ’50s, is most often pointed to by presidential candidates as America’s golden age.

Rand Paul, meanwhile, was unimpressed. And Rubio, in recent days, has said he would end President Obama’s program to defer the deportation of immigrants who arrived illegally as children.

INSKEEP: I think was a question, though…

He was particularly critical of both Clinton and Rubio over Libya, saying the two had advocated an intervention that led to instability and turned the country into fertile territory for ISIS.

“Leaving things the way they are, that’s the real amnesty”, Rubio had said at the news conference unveiling the bill. In the span of a year, the committee raised $228,000, with large donations from lobbyists, telecom giant AT&T, health plan manager WellCare and the state’s sugar conglomerates, Florida Crystals and U.S. Sugar. In addition to his proposal for child care relief, Rubio has put forth a proposed set of tax breaks to encourage businesses to offer paid family leave.

“Rubio has a string of financial messes, personal and political”. Or is he so politically pliable and ideologically biddable that he will say anything, and take any stance, to shield himself from the ugly nativism Donald Trump has tapped among Republican primary voters? Many Republican voters who see American military swagger as essential even if embodied by a woman they hate would likely follow.

“Rubio teamed up with the Hillary Clinton wing [of the Democratic Party] on immigration, teamed up with Chuck Schumer on immigration”, Paul told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview here on Friday night over pizza and beer at Millstone Pizza and Taphouse. “He was a member of the Gang of eight – that meant ‘come in'”. Border security is actually the easy part. Every one of those candidates think it should be them, and they can give you every reason why it shouldnt be Rubio. And illegal immigration – its first impact is felt in immigrant communities, especially the negative impacts of it. And then you’ve got people that are having relatives that are waiting to come to this country legally who have been waiting for a long time and they’re wondering why is it fair that someone who came here illegally is going to get to come here and stay before they do… And less about what names can you call your opponents.

At the event, the business mogul said of Rubio, “I look at a guy like Rubio, who’s very, very weak on illegal immigration”.

The problem is a gaping hole in the potentially lengthy stretch between Step One and Step Three. It’s nice he recognized a bridge too far for someone with even mild libertarian or civil liberty bonafides with e-verify, but it is the logical conclusion of treating illegal workers as a vital public policy crisis demanding government action. “I think all Americans want to see our immigration system work better”. And that’s all you’re going to have for at least a decade. Are we to believe this pattern of mistakes just happen over and over? It has nothing to do with me, really. “Isn’t there a risk you’re just adding another expensive entitlement program to an already overburdened federal budget?” asked moderator Gerard Baker of the Wall Street Journal Tuesday night.

“I’m giving the same message as when I was higher in the polls”.


RUBIO: Well, President Obama now has seven years of executive experience, and it hasn’t made him any better. [Tampa Bay Tribune]By the time he left office in 2008, Rubio had $903,000 in home, auto and student loans. If they reply later, will update this post accordingly.

Rubio Cruz