
Mankind Divided Shows Off Prague City Hub

During today’s Deus Ex stream Square Enix showed off Breach, the fast-paced puzzle shooter game mode included with Mankind Divided.


In Deus Ex GO, players will “use hacking, combat and augmentations to solve the most challenging puzzles of the entire GO series”. Mankind Divided will of course be the main focus.

Are you back? Great, so now you understand why another title in the Go franchise – this time Deus Ex gets the touch-driven strategy treatment – is fantastic news.

It’s going to be light, because we want players to be able to go through the game without spending any money. “In this case, this is a high-tech environment and augmented reality”. The most notable breakthrough is the potential to replace missing limbs with cybernetic enhancements, leading to the inevitable argument of “what truly makes us human?'”. It will allow players to create their own levels and share them with friends, testing their mental fortitudes and creative influences. Think of Tron and combine it with the low polygon style of Volume, and you won’t be too far off. They’re basically cards that you play on your weapons to give them funky effects. You can hack a camera or sentry gun and turn it against the guards.

“There’s a amusing story about that, because pink is the only colour that doesn’t feature in Deus Ex!”.


The game is coming this summer to smartphones and tablets.

Deus Ex Mankind