
Many gang members are illegal immigrants

Donald Trump talks to media from his car during his trip to the border on July 23, 2015, in Laredo, Texas. This case was first highlighted by Donald Trump.


Ending birthright citizenship is not his highest priority, he said, but it is a consequence of breaking the law even though it may mean breaking up families.

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.”

Trump has also been criticized for talking about “anchor babies”, or children born inside the United States to illegal immigrants. And if you speak to some very, very good lawyers – I know some would disagree – but many of them agree with me, you’re going to find they do not have American citizenship.

Trump’s unexpected popularity in the lead-up to the Republican primary election is making headlines in the media.

According to the same poll, 36 percent of voters have a favorable opinion of Trump; 45 percent think Trump can best handle the economy; 44 percent think he can best handle illegal immigration; and 32 percent believe he can best handle ISIS. “Our country is going to hell”. Chris Christie said last week that the issue needs to be “reexamined”, adding that birthright citizenship, “may have made sense at some point in our history, but right now, we need to re-look at all that”.

A new national poll is reaffirming billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump’s status as the frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination – further evidence of the failure of Fox News and otherRepublican” establishment forces to take him out. “The Latino (voters) don’t like you”.

Bush said there are ways to “solve abuses, of people coming into the country so their children can become citizens”.

Trump, who called for for ending the provision codified in the 14th Amendment, said in a position paper this weekend that birthright citizenship “remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration”. Five years ago, Kasich supported a constitutional amendment to reverse the 14th Amendment.


“This summer, I was joined by Gov. Walker, who was first to change his position with a few specifics called for limiting legal immigration”, Santorum said. But after the country’s Civil War in the 1860s, when anti-slavery northern states defeated a southern confederacy favoring slavery, the country’s Constitution was amended to make it clear that all freed slaves were U.S. citizens. “If they want to lose in 2016, they’ll follow Mr. Trump’s anti-immigrant siren”. “I think that every human life is a precious gift from God and should be protected in law from conception until natural death”, he told reporters in 2012.

President Campaign Hopeful Ted Cruz