
Marco Rubio (Accidentally) Hit a Kid in the Face With a Football

“I haven’t read his plan, I’ve only read press accounts, or some of them”, he added.


Amateur video of Florida Sen. Charles Grassley near the livestock pavilion, Rubio says: “There are people that come to the United States deliberately for the purposes of having a child that’s a U.S. citizen”.

Trump’s call to end birthright citizenship has divided the large Republican presidential field.

Sen. Marco Rubio, vying for the Republican presidential nomination, decided to send some footballs flying Monday night – and one beaned a small child in the head.

What is unclear from the video is whether the boy ran the wrong pattern, or if Rubio’s pass was off the mark.

State Fair attendees braved the rain to see Mr. Rubio speak on the Des Moines Register’s political soapbox Tuesday – an address the senator said he was cutting short because of the rain.

“I don’t agree with that”, Rubio told reporters when asked if he supports ending birthright citizenship, the controversial policy included in Trump’s recently released plan to overhaul the U.S. immigration system.

The pass, it should be said, was a fairly clean spiral from Rubio.


Rubio, along with Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, have been losing ground on the 2016 presidential campaign trail to Donald Trump. Because we get to talk about Rob Ford.

Marco Rubio football kids Iowa