
Marco Rubio brings in $6 million in latest fundraising quarter

Rubio’s fundraising was slow through much of the summer, but ticked up considerably in September, and the campaign is on track to have its best fundraising month ever in October, campaign officials said at a donor summit in Las Vegas, according to a source in attendance. However, the Florida senator entered the month of October with about $11 million in cash on hand.


“We are thrilled to see a grassroots wave of support for our campaign gaining momentum all over the country”, Cruz said in a statement. His campaign has raised roughly $18 million from almost 100,000 donors since launching in April, according to the figures provided.

Still, the fact that Rubio’s fundraising was reported at a meeting of campaign supporters, rather than through the press, is indicative of how disappointing his fundraising was.

The numbers don’t reflect money raised by outside groups, including super PACs, that can raise and spend unlimited sums of money to benefit the candidates. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson raked in more than $20 million.

The Republican will be in southern Nevada for two more days. Instead, propelled by his conservative principles, relentless work ethic, and inspiring message, Senator Rubio drove Crist out of the party and united Republicans for a clear and convincing victory.

Cruz allies and aides have expressed surprise throughout the summer that their rivals have not been more competitive; many in Cruz’s world have said they did not expect to be in second place financially at the end of the second quarter.


In saying its third-quarter net, Cruz’s advertising campaign sought after to effectively task power by pointing out it increased its amount of contributions within the period of time. The government shutdown he helped orchestrate that fall angered Wall Street and many of its donors.

Republican candidate Marco Rubio raised $6m in the third quarter