
Marco Rubio calls Paris attacks ‘positive development’ for USA national security

FOX News Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio discusses the Paris Terrorist Attacks on FOX News on Sunday.


The 30-second ad features the Florida senator up close against a simple black background as he warns Americans of the dangers of “radical terrorists”.

“What happened in Paris could happen here”. “There is no middle ground”.

These aren’t disgruntled or dis-empowered people, Rubio says. These are radical terrorists who want to kill us.

“My argument is that we can’t allow anyone in this country that we can’t vet. And I believe that the vast majority of refugees that are trying to come here are people that we will not able to vet”, Rubio said. Rubio was seen as performing well in the first debates, partly by strongly articulating his views on terrorism.

Rubio’s ad will run nationwide on cable networks. Rubio, happy to oblige the interviewer’s presumption that he is in fact a foreign policy expert, said “I obviously am not happy about the events from last week in Paris, but I think it’s a positive development that it suddenly has cast – forced Americans to confront more carefully the issue of national security”.

The Republican presidential hopeful on Monday said that the USA not only needs to fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq, but needs to upload videos of the America’s exploits to the Internet in order to combat ISIS’ slick propaganda and recruiting tactics. It’s not just radical jihad.


Not a lot of daylight there, but Rubio went to great pains to confuse the issue as much as possible, alternating between attacking Obama for being an isolationist wimp and supporting Obama for implementing portions of the ISIS strategy he agreed with. “These are all very real risks, and we are eviscerating our military capabilities at a time when the world is growing more risky”. “This is why Marco Rubio is no foreign policy expert”, Democratic National Committee spokesman Luis Miranda said in a statement.

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio in Washington D.C on Nov. 16