
Marco Rubio: ‘I Don’t Believe Donald Trump Will Be Nominee’

To date, reports suggest Rubio has raised more than $40 million to further his bid for presidency leading up to the republican primary.


During a rally yesterday in Iowa, Trump said Bush should go after Rubio for having the gall to run against his mentor.

“Ultimately the Republican Party will reach out to all voters based on who our nominee is. But I would remind him that America is great”, Rubio said per Bloomberg. “And I don’t believe Donald Trump will be our nominee”, Rubio said after speaking to a small crowd outside a vehicle service center in Orford. Property mogul Trump also says volatility in U.S. stocks in recent days is due to over-exposure to China where markets have plummeted on worries about the economy.

When asked about Trump’s comments on Wednesday, Rubio retorted: “I’m running for president. There’s no nation on earth I’d trade places with”, he added.

“I’ve been involved in presidential politics since 1980, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp when he was running”. “America’s still a great country, but that’s not because of our policies, that’s despite our policies”.

Rubio has largely shied away from taking on Trump, even as rivals such as Jeb Bush and Rand Paul have become more forceful in criticizing the billionaire businessman who sits atop Republican polls. The issue is that America has the chance to be greater.

“You know when they have it. Senator Rubio has it”, political consultant Vic Martucci said.


“He’s not anxious about it and actually he’s running a very smart campaign”.

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio R-Fla. speaks at the Defending the American Dream summit hosted by Americans for Prosperity at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus Ohio Saturday Aug. 22 2015