
Marco Rubio Preemptively Says No to Being Donald Trump’s Veep

As such, I have never sought, will not seek and do not want to be considered for Vice President.


Rubio’s situation pretty much sums up Trump’s running mate search.

Marco Rubio posted a statement on his Facebook page that basically said Republican voters might have chosen Trump, but he didn’t, so don’t consider him for the ticket.

Meanwhile, Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks said an Associated Press report that Trump has narrowed his shortlist of potential vice presidential candidates to half a dozen names is accurate.

Rubio’s remarks seem to suggest he will hold his nose and vote for Trump, a sentiment that may be shared by many Republicans as they look to prevent Clinton from winning the White House. He will be best served by a running mate and by surrogates who fully embrace his campaign.

Over the last week there has been considerable speculation on whether or not Trump and Rubio spoke.

When it comes to a general election, Trump’s going to (maybe) need someone to balance some of his extreme views.

‘We suspended our campaign one week ago today, ‘ said Cruz told reporters Tuesday. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie or even Ohio Gov. John Kasich are apparently still in the running for vice president, even if they don’t know it yet, according to Trump’s advisors. But when Tapper pressed him if on whether he’d actually vote for Trump, Rubio didn’t answer explicitly.

Rubio also said he had not decided whether he would attend the July convention in Cleveland, though his decision was not influenced by Trump’s nomination. “My differences with Donald, both my reservations about his campaign and my policy differences with him are well-documented”. But as he prepares to choose a running mate, some of his fellow Republicans have reacted with a thanks-but-no-thanks attitude.

‘On the other hand, the only other choice is someone I have even more reservations about, ‘ he said.

‘As a candidate for president I signed a pledge to support our nominee, and so that’s what I intend to do, ” he said.

Asked whether Trump and Rubio can overcome their differences, Fortuno was dubious. “I think it’s inappropriate”, Trump said in an interview.

But that final volley of attacks, for which he later apologized, failed to trip up Trump, who won Rubio’s home state of Florida by more than 18 points March 15. Like the other GOP candidates at the time, Rubio said he would.


Before he left the Republican primary race, Rubio called Trump a “con artist” whose business empire was built on inherited money and foreign labor. But I think it is unlikely that it will be John.

Happy warrior? Rubio says to vote for Clinton or to abstain amount to the same thing