
Marco Rubio Releases Two Years of American Express Statements

But here’s my question: If Rubio is such a great candidate, why isn’t he doing better among Republican voters?


“I was a senator at the time, and when he was the majority leader and incoming speaker and then, of course, speaker of the House, you start hearing, learning and then start reading about how he was abusing the American Express card that was given to him by the Republican Party of Florida”, Fasano said.

Travel expenses for Rubio’s wife Jeanette Dousdebes Rubio, including a $328.80 Delta Airlines flight from Washington, Miami and $444.40 for a flight from Miami to Tallahassee and a $723.60 United Airlines ticket for Rubio’s wife from Miami to Denver to Aspen.

In Florida’s political tug-of-war between Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, a few fans quietly chose to help both sides.

An independent audit committee of the Florida GOP also wrote that Rubio’s expenses were legitimate, however, as Democratic-supporting PAC American Bridge pointed out, a Republican Party of Florida manual said credit card transactions were to be business-only.

“Rubio’s going down next”, Trump said, with dozens of sign-waving supporters standing behind him on the steps of the New Hampshire State House yesterday morning. Chris Ingram, who says he was an unpaid consultant to Rubio, suggests Rubio could immediately resolve the issue by just releasing the records. Past attempts by the paper and rivals have fallen flat, leading to increased speculation as to why.


Rubio, also went on to clarify what he says the public needs to understand about that account. His spokesman, Alex Conant, said Wednesday that those expenses were for party business, and that the state GOP paid them. The campaign “waited a little longer to set a trap for critics to repeat speculative exaggerations about the size and scope of his 2005-06 credit card expenses”, according to Politico. Despite years of requests, Rubio still hasn’t released records from his earlier use of the card, the Times reports. “First, I worry that America will be unrecognizable if we elect Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders to lead a third Obama term”, Pompeo said in an e-mail. I think it’s because, after watching Trump humiliate Jeb all summer, Rubio concluded that he can’t afford to look weak now that the guns are turned on him. When he ran for the US Senate in 2010, Florida reporters obtained his credit card records for 2007 and 2008, which showed that Rubio often used the party card to cover personal expenses, from a .09 charge at a Chick-fil-A to $10,000 for a family vacation in Georgia. It was American Express. A lot more free-agent party actors remain available and could wind up with Rubio. In his 2012 memoir, “An American Son”, he wrote that he mistakenly pulled the wrong card from his wallet when he paid for them. But what readers should remember is that Rubio’s total charges – about $160,000 total on the corporate card – were relatively small compared to other state party officials who ran up $500,000, even $1.3 million, on their party cards.

Sen. Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush left during the debate of Republican presidential hopefuls at the University of Colorado in Boulder Colo. on Oct. 28