
Marco Rubio Says Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban ‘Never Going to Happen’

“We’re not going to say, ‘You can’t come into the country'”.


That could all but kill Republican chances of beating Hillary Clinton, if she is indeed the eventual Democratic nominee, say observers.

Trump also told Lemon, “I am the least racist person that you have ever met”, and he confidently predicted that will win both the Hispanic and African-American vote.

He insisted the statement was not directly towards Mr Trump but all “presidential candidates proposing to ban Muslim immigration to the United States”.

Robert Gunnell, a spokesman for Ali, said later the statement “was not a direct response to Donald Trump. So far, they, I can’t tell you if they are, but the establishment is not exactly being very good to me”, he said. Instead Donald Trump is supplying them with new propaganda.

Donald Trump has hit back at a campaign to have him banned from entering Britain, saying United Kingdom politicians “should be thanking” him instead of “pandering to political correctness”. It found majorities expressing support for Trump’s idea and expressing various other views unfriendly to Islam. “All I’m doing is bringing a situation to the forefront that everybody is talking about and nobody wants to do anything about it”.

A spokesperson for London’s Scotland Yard police headquarters said: “It’s important to state to Londoners that Mr Trump could not be more wrong”.

“The comments have essentially reached a level that we never thought was going to happen”, he explained. “‘I lost a lot of my wealth”.

In a Wednesday statement, Netanyahu said he rejects Trump’s remarks.

Trump had planned to meet with Netanyahu December 28 in Israel, according to an Israeli government official, but shortly after the meeting was reported, Netanyahu’s office condemned Trump’s comments about Muslims.

“The state of Israel respects all religion and adheres to the rights of all citizens”, Netanyahu said in the statement.

“At the same time, Israel is struggling with extremist Islam that is attacking Muslims, Christian and Jews as one and is threatening the entire world”. “As president, I will work with Muslim representatives to determine a solution to eradicate the terrorism that has plagued the credibility of the Muslim community”.


At another point in the interview, Lemon asked Trump if he is racist.

Donald Trump