
Marco Rubio takes onerous line on abortion, drawing Hillary Clinton’s

“I just realized that if you listen to Carly Fiorina for more than ten minutes straight, you develop a massive headache”. Which means that if she wins any of us can say that it was us that gave her the million bucks and hit her up for a favor. As an alternative, she went after Rubio. Those comments prompted Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton to praise Kelly – a woman with whom she would never deign to do an interview – bash Trump, and then lash out at Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., whom she perceives as the most serious threat to her presidential aspirations.


Clay Middleton, director of Clinton’s South Carolina campaign, said Walker, one of 17 GOP presidential contenders, has a “fundamental misunderstanding” of the barriers faced by African Americans. “I really think that to be in the next debate, you ought to commit that you’re not going to run as an independent”. “And it is deeply troubling, and it should be to the press, not just those of us who have been doing this work for so long”.

Rubio returned fire, saying in a statement that Clinton holds “radical views” on abortion.

Rubio has since defended his position against abortion, without exceptions, despite being a co-sponsor of legislation in 2013 that included exceptions.

Trump has attacked Clinton in recent days, even bringing up her attendance at his wedding.

On Trump, she said, “most people do see him as a bit of a sexist and misogynist” but that most of the Republican candidates “are trying to figure it out” relative to connecting with women.

Late Monday night, the two began fighting on Twitter about Clinton’s college debt plan.

It includes states and the federal government increasing investment, efforts to boost graduation rates, steps for schools to control costs and be more accountable to students, and allowing students to refinance existing debt.

Clinton’s campaign has said it is cooperating with the Justice Department. “He’s got a $2.2 billion deficit, they predicted that he’d have a big surplus of about a billion”.

Clinton said Kelly – “who is perfectly capable and incredibly impressive” – can defend herself.

A week later, it’s all but forgotten – thanks to Donald Trump. I think he’s having the time of his life. Nevertheless, Rubio, who’s Catholic, has opposed legal guidelines such because the Reasonably priced Care Act that require health-insurance plans to cowl contraception even when employers object on spiritual grounds.


“I will be so good to women”, Trump said. “I want to be the President who actually stands up for what’s going on in the real world in America”.

Donald Trump returns to Fox News after Megyn Kelly flap