
Margot Robbie Says She Wants to Play Harley Quinn “Forever”

Suicide Squad is Directed by David Ayer and Produced by Zack Snyder is making this film a whole lot better than various other movies.


If true, this would be a major blow for the big-budget comic book movie, which reportedly needs to rake in at least $750 million (£570 million) worldwide just to break even. “If the fans like it, then we did our job”.

Will Smith, who stars as Deadshot, seemed less anxious, telling Reuters, “I think people had expectations that may have been different, but I’m excited for the fans to get to vote”.

Will Smith, who plays Deadshot, demure about the situation. I want to avoid getting into the plot in an effort to keep everyone in the dark about what they’re about to see, but let it be known that the overall tone is dark. “Barely any of the public (especially the people who know and love the comic it’s based on) have seen it, and I think majority are just trying to make waves”.

The 26-year-old, who plays the manic yet loveable Harley Quinn in the film, opened up about the reports to Australian media company Nova969, and denied having any knowledge of whether the shorts were lengthened in post-production.

Despite going into this movie without much knowledge of the content – aside from some of the characters – there were many aspects I liked about the film.

“Listen, I may have been playing a mean guy like Deadshot, but if I had been wearing pearls at that moment, I would have clutched them”. Suicide Squad dominated those films as well as new entry The Last Princess which also bowed on Wednesday.

Because of this, Jay Hernandez who was cast in the Suicide Squad as El Diablo was downright furious considering their hard work to make the movie as flawless as they can to please fans of the franchise, per a report from Digital Spy.

“At the end of the day critical acclaim is really nice, but we made it for the fans. I think if the audience is really invested in the action of what Batman is doing, and you have a character who can do compliment that as far as humor goes, it’s going to hit the same way with the audience”.

With the massive physical and psychological preparations that Leto put into the character, its shocking that his scenes received as little screen-time as they did.

And now “Suicide Squad” is following in the family tradition.

The overload of new characters on the screen does the most damage to the one thing to go to see the movie for – Jared Leto’s Joker.


The result is an nearly distractingly starry superhero film – showy, action heavy, fun in parts and slow in others.

'Suicide Squad' world premiere: Cara Delevingne and Margot Robbie's comic book-inspired glamour