
Marines ‘ran back into the fight’

He then proceeded to a joint Marine and Navy reserve center a few miles away. Abdulazeez never left the driver’s seat, staying only briefly before moving to his next target.


The gunman, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, was shot and killed by police.

He said the shooter entered the facility with “an assault rifle, handgun and numerous magazines of ammunition”.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has revealed new details about the shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee last week that killed four service members. The gunman shot back and then proceeded inside. “The shooter continued to fire and killed two additional service members”, Reinhold said.

Sprayberry High School in the Atlanta suburb of Marietta hosted a vigil for Lance Cpl.

The Marines who were killed were identified as Gunnery Sgt.Thomas J. Squire Wells.

“The President should follow suit and order flags flown at half staff across the country, and he should do so immediately”, House Armed Services Committee chairman Mac Thornberry said in a statement Tuesday, before the flags were lowered. Following the incident, many Republicans ordered their respective offices to lower the United States national flag to be half-staff in honor of those who lost their lives in the tragic incident. Gen. Paul Brier, commanding general of the 4th Marine Division, said during a press conference on Wednesday. “Afterwards, some returned to the site to get back into the fight”, he said. Some ran back into the fight; Reinhold said two weapons found at the scene belonged to service members.

Asked about the status of the White House flags on Monday, Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters that Obama has offered his “sincere condolences to the families of those who were killed in this attack”, without mentioning the forthcoming proclamation. The military will investigate whether they were authorized to have those weapons.

“[T]he US Senate’s thoughts are with their families and loved ones, and with all those who protect us here, and around the world”, McConnell said.

He says the investigation is being conducted in close co-ordination with U.S. counterparts. He fatally shot one person inside the building. When he did, Chattanooga officers confronted him. “He was telling me work was going great”, said one of the friends, Ahmed Saleen Islam, 26, who knew Abdulazeez through the Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga and saw him at the mosque two or three nights before the attacks.

Abdulazeez was first treated by a child psychiatrist for depression when he was 12 or 13 years old. He failed a drug test in 2013, getting him fired from a job at a power plant, which prompted personal writings soon after lamenting what a failure he had been, according to his family.

Abdulazeez was born in Kuwait to Jordanian parents, but was a naturalized American citizen who lived in the Chattanooga area most of his life.

Officials are also looking at a seven-month trip Abdulazeez took last year to Jordan, where he spent time with his grandfather and uncle.

The FBI has assigned 700 to 1,000 agents to the investigation, which Mr Reinhold said was still at an early stage.


“The intelligence services have been illegally detaining my client, university lecturer Assaad Ibrahim al-Haj Ali, since Friday”, the day after the attack, Abdelkader al-Khatib said.

Lawyer: Tennessee Shooter's Uncle Detained In Jordan - | Continuous