
MARK CUBAN: Coverage of Hillary’s health isn’t ‘crazy, it’s lazy’

As he did Tuesday, Obama then said that there had never been a man or woman seeking the presidency more qualified than his rival in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary.


So far, a simple contradiction with Trump hasn’t proven to give Clinton, the second most unpopular presidential candidate in history, the boost she needs to definitively win this race. He sought to portray Trump’s campaign and vision for America as “dark” and “pessimistic” and where people “turn against each other”.

“I could not be prouder of the leader we have nominated to take my place”.

At a rally in Des Moines, Trump steered clear of mentioning her illness but stepped up efforts to wring maximum advantage from Clinton’s controversial comment that his supporters are “deplorables”. Clinton was caught on video struggling to stay on her feet.

Last night, her team said she will resume campaigning on Friday with an event in Washington, but if she was not feeling well the plan could change, reported MSNBC. Her campaign would do well to consider a simple remedy that would rid her of many unforced errors: Sunlight is the best disinfectant. She added that she’d be back on the campaign trail within a couple of days. Trump has deliberately woven a political basket to coddle the most deplorable and hateful in our society, but now is using the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” tactic to pretend that he hasn’t welcomed racists, misogynists, homophobes, and xenophobes into his campaign.

“The President, as you have heard him say on many occasions, is confident that she will bring those same skills and that same endurance to the job as President”.

While Clinton’s favorable rating has slumped to a dismal 38 percent (barely higher than Trump’s 36 percent) in the latest Gallup tracking poll, Obama’s approval has soared to 58 percent in a Washington Post survey released Sunday, his highest since July 2009.

Obama’s event at an outdoor plaza in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art was his third for Clinton, including his speech at the Democratic National Convention, also in Philadelphia.

The president, who remains broadly popular among the Democratic base, is viewed as a key asset in pushing diehard Democrats to the polls. You know, you don’t grade the presidency on a curve.

“The staff acknowledged they screwed up. One candidate who’s traveled to more countries than any secretary of state ever has, has more qualifications than pretty much anyone who’s ever run for this job and the other who isn’t fit in any way, shape, or form to represent this country overseas and be its commander-in-chief”, Obama said. This isn’t me going through the motions here. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., a Clinton ally.

Trump himself has come under fire for rhetoric against minorities during his campaign, including describing Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, suggesting a judge could not be fair because of his Mexican-American heritage, and proposing a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the United States.

Trump wove handles on the basket when called a U.S. Federal Judge inherently biased because of the judge’s Mexican heritage while he tried to draw away attention from the fact that he is on trial for fraud. He seized on Trump’s praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom Obama cast as authoritarian strongman who controls the media and crushes dissent. That’s why I’m ready to go.

“What we’ve seen from the other side in this election is this isn’t Abraham Lincoln’s Republican Party”.

Without mentioning Clinton’s health, Obama dove into the political fallout of Sunday’s episode in NY. They said the cost would be absorbed by finding fraud in the unemployment insurance system.


But the businessman, his spokespeople and surrogates have promoted the idea in recent weeks that Clinton has serious health problems.

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