
Mark Cuban tells ‘Meet The Press’ Thunder are his title pick

“Mark Cuban, the owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, said in an interview Sunday that he’s open to running for president”.


The latest headlines include Cuban’s willingness to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate.

The Dallas Mavericks owner told Chuck Todd on NBC’s Meet The Press yesterday that he thinks that the Oklahoma City Thunder will take the National Basketball Association title next month. His interest in serving with Clinton came with the caveat that she’d have to “go more to the center”, and his interest in serving with Trump came on the condition that “he listen to me on everything I said”. “I like the fact that Senator Clinton has thought out proposals”. Maybe so. But why does Mark Cuban even get 10 minutes on MTP yesterday when he’s barely talking about any issues?

“I know what Hillary’s positions are”, he said.

When asked about the possibility on Meet the Press this week, Clinton seemed interested and didn’t seem to be ruling it out.

A message left with Clinton’s campaign Saturday was not immediately returned. Right now you’re the sorta lovable billionaire who pops off occasionally and says wild stuff. She’s known for pushing for greater income equality between the sexes, and she made a point during her recent commencement speech at UC Berkeley of saying that many don’t have the financial support network they need to deal with the loss of a loved one. “I can go to Hillary’s websites and there is spreadsheets, there is depth, there is analysis, there is details”, Cuban said at the time.

“Senator Sanders has dragged her a little bit too far to the left, things like college tuition and other business elements that really, I think, could hurt the economy”, said Cuban.

“I’m a Republican in the respect that I like smaller government and I like less intrusion in some areas”.

“There’s not enough time to get on the ballot”, he continued.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Most notably, Clinton has yet to rule out Bernie Sanders as a potential running mate.


‘And I think that is the best way to find somebody who can really capture what’s needed in the country and businesspeople have, especially successful businesspeople who are really successful, as opposed to pretend successful, ‘ she said, throwing some shade in Trump’s direction.

NBA owner Mark Cuban talks to Chuck Todd