
Mark Hamill on holding secrets for Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Meanwhile, IGN dropped some nifty retro posters, a new TV spot arrived from South Korea, and Disney Channel dropped a new promo focusing on Daisy Ridley’s Rey. It’s set to debut on December 18th, 2015.


After watching the newest Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer released on Thanksgiving Day, fans might hear themselves saying, “More Dark Side, please!”

Chris has been writing about anime, manga, movies and comics for well on twenty years now. People was one of the first sources to report on this new and Must See trailer from the upcoming Star Wars movie, which will hit theaters in the United States on December 18. So far the spoilers in the trailers have been kept to an absolute minimum, with this new footage simply elevating excitement levels rather than giving anything away.

Another thing that fans could expect is that Kylo Ren will torture one of the main characters, the X-wing pilot Poe Dameron played by Oscar Isaac.

Ren, played by Adam Driver, says determinedly, “Yes”, then leads a battalion of Stormtroopers off a battleship.

“Star Wars: Force Awakens” is the seventh film in the Star Wars series. “We all need to run!”

The trailer was posted first on the official Facebook page of the movie.

The new trailer of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” sheds light on the franchise’s newest bad guy Kylo Ren. The duration of the clip is only a minute long but shows various scenes.


Revenge of the Sith, arguably the best of the prequel trilogy, received a PG-13 rating back in 2005 for its pretty bleak atmosphere and frequent on-screen deaths by Hayden Christensen.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Thanksgiving TV Spot is Awesome