
Mark Zuckerberg’s first Facebook Live session on June 14

The group is now posting on Twitter via a backup account.


The account of Evan Williams, the co-founder and former chief executive of Twitter was hacked on Wednesday.

OurMine is the same group that took credit for hacking Zuckerberg’s accounts.

“A number of other online services have seen millions of passwords stolen in the past several weeks”.

On Sunday, OurTeam tweeted on the backup account, “i don’t understand why @twitter suspended our account while we are saving people from other hackers!” They include those of singers Drake and Katy Perry, and the National Football League (NFL).

Thankfully, Pintrest and Twitter are the two social media sites that Zuckerber’s uses the least and the hackers didn’t manage to access his Facebook account.

“So while it’s good to have a strong password, it wouldn’t have made any difference if Mark Zuckerberg’s password was “dadada”, “zuckbatteryhorsestaple” or “&&w3^pHvR0Rl#g6E55”.

Hackers nearly never simply guess the password.

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder, is conducting his first ever Live Q&A (Question & Answer) on June 14, using the social networking website’s streaming feature – the Facebook Live.

And if company announces that it’s been hacked, change your password right away, even if it says your information wasn’t compromised.

The more complicated and lengthy a password is, the harder it will be for hackers to guess.

Hollywood Life reports that OurMine Team hackers also claimed that they have Mark Zuckerberg Instagram password but a Facebook spokesperson denied their claims.

LeakedSource is a site that contains a search engine with leaked login credentials.

The latest breach could be linked to one that occurred at LinkedIn in 2012, according to one line of speculation.


Just last week, Myspace said a hacker has put up for sale login information for some accounts created before June 11, 2013.

Twitter may cut out links from character limit