
Marlins’ Stanton belts record 61 homers to win Home Run Derby

Stanton averaged 461 feet with those 17 homers. Cano’s longest drive was recorded at 452 feet.


And by the way, in home runs that actually counted in games, Trumbo still leads Stanton, 28-20. He may not be the league leader in home runs right now, but Stanton is definitely leading the universe in style points when it comes to smashing dingers. He also hit the giant scoreboard at PETCO Park in the second round. Frazier defeated Duvall, 16-15, in the semifinals. He headed into the 30-second bonus time needing five home runs to tie Stanton, and he ran out of time before he could chase down his opponent.

Since Stanton hit a Home Run Derby record 61 homers, that essentially meant fans could get 61% off tickets to a future Marlins game.

National League’s Giancarlo Stanton, of the Miami Marlins, holds the champions trophy after the MLB baseball All-Star Home Run Derby, Monday, July 11, 2016, in San Diego.

At least Cano was better than his 2012 appearance.

Although he wasn’t the victor, there’s surely no shame in Trumbo losing out to the eventual champion in Stanton, who was simply on another plane.

Players no longer make the choices. Before winning at Cincinnati as a member of the Cincinnati Reds, he advanced to the finals at Target Field in Minneapolis in 2014. It was a lot of fun watching him swing the bat tonight. Duvall pulled all of his homers to left field and made quick work of Myers.

Frazier had 12 home runs when he took his timeout with 1:30 remaining and quickly caught up with Duvall.

The quality of the Derby was improved tremendously with last year’s change to a timed format as opposed to limited swings for hitters.

“Taking the flight out here just for this, I figured it’s a waste if I don’t bring this bad boy home”, Stanton said after claiming the Derby crown.

Trumbo needed 18 to move on to the finals. The slugger would hit another ball 497 feet in this round. Frazier, with 25 homers, is batting.213. Frazier did join Ken Griffey Jr. and Sammy Sosa as the only players to reach the Finals in three straight years. Frazier seems to has a flare for the dramatics as he moved quickly in hitting home runs. The All-Star game this year is in San Diego, and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t rained there in like eight years, but that’s okay. Stanton took full advantage of his two time outs to catch his breathe and keep crushing homers.


While Stanton was the biggest story, there were plenty of other highlights from the night.

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