
Marry Her Or Go To Jail: Judge Gives Man Choice

A Judge in the United States has decided to grant justice in a rather unusual way by offering a defendant to marry his girlfriend or go to prison.


Bundy had fought with the ex-boyfriend of his then girlfriend and now wife.

Josten Bundy, of Tyler, Texas, who was arrested after punching his girlfriend’s ex-partner, was given the ultimatum by Smith County Judge Randall Rogers, according to court documents obtained on Friday.

The charges came after Bundy socked Hannah’s former boyfriend in the jaw for saying what he claims were “disrespectful things” about Jaynes. Judge Rogers stepped into my family and tried to tell them what to do without any regard for me or anything.

Mr Bundy requested permission to call his employer as he feared for his job if he was imprisoned but the judge denied his request – so he agreed to marry Ms Jaynes.

“You do know one of the provisions to stay on my probation is you’re going to have to marry her?” Jaynes noted that she wasn’t even wearing the traditional white dress during the ceremony. And Bundy had to say goodbye to a longstanding sartorial dream, too: “I would have worn a black tux with some yellow under it because I’m a Steelers fan”. He told them they didn’t have to go through with it but they did, getting married at City Hall on July 20. “None of my sisters got to show up, it was such short notice, I couldn’t get it together”.

The father of the bride was irate.

“[I felt] anger; I was mad”.

Young couple ordered to marry in 30 days didn’t want to get hitched so soon.

Attorney Blake Bailey, who practices constitutional law, said an order to marry is not legal. “It sounds like the old days of shotgun weddings, but not even the judge is capable of enforcing, what he thinks is best for some people in his court”.

The couple are now planning to appeal the sentence in a higher court.


Bundy and Jaynes plan to have a larger wedding in the future when they can save enough money.

Shotgun wedding via Wikimedia Commons