
Mars Woman: NASA Rover Spots Mysterious Figure On The Surface Of Mars

“It looks like a woman partly cloaked”.


The image in question is certainly real enough; it was published by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory as part of its continuing upload of data from the Curiosity rover to the general public – who, of course, paid for the mission.

On Earth, meanwhile, people have been scratching their heads over a photo, taken by the Curiosity Rover, that appears to show a human-like figure standing on a rock, Inquisitr reports.

First people thought they were seeing a massive crab on Mars, and now it’s a ghostly woman.Thanks to TIME’s science writer Jeffrey Kluger, we know the sights are actually due to pareidolia; a phenomenon that makes us see all sorts of things that aren’t really there. It’s hard to tell if this is a living being, or a statue of a being from long ago.

According to, this image is one of many that has been sent back by the Mars Curiosity Rover, but for some reason this lady-like image has the world’s attention.

Seriously, do you SEE it?


So, while once again the search for life on Mars has hit a snag, it doesn’t disprove the possibility entirely. The Nashua, NH, software engineer stitched together dozens of high-resolution photos taken by the MAHLI (Mars Hand Lens Imager) camera of the rover, and the result is a stunning self portrait of the car-sized robotic explorer.

'Dark Lady' spotted in photo from NASA's Curiosity rover