
Mars Woman: Site Claims to Recognize Woman Silhouette in Images Sent by

Or is it just a odd rock formation that has piqued our interest?


Meanwhile, people on Earth are speculating that the image actually resembles like “a woman partly cloaked”.

The site UFO Sightings Daily, which defends the existence of extraterrestrial life, claims to recognize in a photo taken by Curiosity the silhouette of a woman.

El Reg suspects that the team at NASA is getting a little sick of having to waste time with all these so-called sightings, but there are going to be many more going forward as Curiosity and its follow-on rovers explore the Martian surface. However, a statue that small would be eroded and destroyed easily, so it has a higher chance of being a living being. All these images show the rover from a viewpoint above, and that’s why this new self portrait looks so special, showing all six legs and the belly of the towering rover. Could it be that folks are so anxious to see life somewhere in this grand universe that they will take a cup-of-coffee-size rock or a clump of dirt no bigger than a teapot and see a human-like woman in this image?

Pictures released by NASA once again indicated at the probable sign of life on Mars.


Who knows, supermodels could exist in a culture living beneath the ground on Mars and when one spotted the Rover with that camera, they saw a photo op!

Flickr  mendhakSelf-portrait Curiosity rover