
Martin O’Malley: “Hopefully” Clinton Regrets “Disgraceful” 9/11 Wall Street

Hillary Clinton clarified her remarks on combating terrorism Sunday, saying America has to lead “the worldwide fight” against ISIS but “cannot and should not do it alone” at a campaign stop here with former President Bill Clinton by her side. It represents another show of strength for Clinton, who has locked up most of the major unions despite Sanders’ message of helping workers overcome income inequality. Sanders envisions a “single-payer” system that would be run by the states under federal rules.


“On Medicare for all, the middle class would be far better off because it would save taxpayers money”, Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs said in a statement. “Our agenda is the most progressive in terms of demanding that Wall Street, large corporations and the wealthy finally start paying their fair share of taxes”, he said.

During the event, he said he had helped write Obama’s health care law. We need to sort out how to focus on the terrorists that we need to keep out of the country. “Now maybe they’re dumb and they don’t know what they’re going to get, but I don’t think so”, he said.

The evening was shaped, and for a time overshadowed, by Saturday’s terrorist attacks in Paris, setting a more subdued tone for the opening of the second Democratic debate of the campaign.

Iowa is an early caucus state. “I don’t believe that the people watching were applauding the notion that Secretary Clinton was pumping out this smokescreen and wrapping herself in the tragedy of 9/11”, O’Malley said on CNN’s “New Day” program.

Hillary Rodham Clinton defended her long-running ties to the nation’s finance industry on Monday, bringing out allies to argue that she would take a tough approach to regulating the industry despite receiving tens of millions in both personal and campaign cash from Wall Street in her career.

Sanders’ campaign also blasted out a graph to reporters during the debate that showed a few of the former secretary of state’s top donors came from Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.


At two appearances in Iowa on Sunday, Sanders called on “every candidate running for president” to give their views on the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act, sponsored by Sen. The union’s efforts have been instrumental in getting higher minimum wages in Los Angles, New York, San Francisco and Seattle. He said it would be paid for by adding about $1.38 a week to payroll taxes for the average worker. In a statement, Clinton thanked the SEIU and pledged to support their membership. It’s also because they think she would be better for the economy overall than Sanders or O’Malley or numerous potential Republican nominees. “We are going to start immediately”, said Henry.

Hillary Clinton Nov. 14 2015