
Marvel’s Star Wars comic to explore Yoda’s past

As Kermit the Frog once sang, “It’s not easy being green”, but that never stopped the legendary Jedi master Yoda from being an instrumental element in training the Old Republic’s heroic knights in the gentler ways of the Force and taking on insane Count Dooku.


Marvel’s ongoing Star Wars series has been great at shining a light into the mostly unexplored areas of Disney’s new canon. Now, that’s an all-star team up! In STAR WARS #26, Luke Skywalker will discover Obi-Wan’s recovered journals where he’ll unwittingly learn about Yoda’s past.

Telling a story with Yoda as “just the Jedi” was intriguing to Aaron, but also posed a hard challenge. “So this was the only way we could kill all those birds with one stone – to do one story that connects Luke, Yoda, and Obi-Wan all at the same time, while still taking place in three different time periods”. However, I must say that this animated series is worth watching just as much as The Clone Wars series was. I wanted to see Yoda just as the Jedi.

“.This puts him on a very unusual adventure”.

To which Aaron agrees: “The other big challenge with Yoda, of course, is finding something that’s a challenge for him, right?”

For a being who was 900 years old during the events of Return of the Jedi, it’s actually pretty surprising how little we now know about the diminutive green force-phenomenon that is Master Yoda. He believes they “came up with an interesting answer to that question”. That’s part of the mystery of this story.

Having established a secret base on Atollon, the Ghost crew, now led by a more powerful Ezra, strengthens the rebel fleet by acquiring new resources and recruits eager to stand against the Empire. It’s a bit trickier than that.

The current Star Wars Marvel comic takes place between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, so Yoda is still a mystery to Luke at this point. “It does take place before ‘Phantom Menace.’ We do get a brief appearance by Qui-Gon and young Obi-Wan, so that’ll probably help date it”.


During an interview with, comic book author Jason Aaron discussed how an upcoming issue of the official “Star Wars” comic delved into Yoda’s past… and might finally give us a glimpse into his early years. This will go alongside the main Star Wars title and Star Wars: Poe Dameron as the line’s third ongoing series, replacing Darth Vader which is scheduled to conclude later this year with its #25 issue. I like that playfulness to Yoda. I’m always struck, when you go back and watch ‘Empire, ‘ by just how amusing Yoda is, and how he messes with Luke a lot when they first meet.

Star Wars official website Yoda in the early'Star Wars films