
Marvel Studios Characters to Appear in Upcoming SPIDER-MAN Film

Before her sacking Pascal green lit Paul Feig’s controversial Ghostbusters reboot and established a deal with Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige to include Spider-Man, of which Sony hold the production rights to, within the ever growing and massively successful Marvel Cinematic Universe.


“He is in the universe now, and the fun of the universe is that characters go back and forth”, Feige said.

With a merging imminent, the questions now relay as to what Sony’s upcoming re-re-booted Spider-Man may look like following the character’s appearance in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War.

This brings back to mind the time Robert Downey Jr. aka Iron Man spilled the beans about his and Captain America actor Chris Evans’s return to Atlanta to shoot another film after “Captain America: Civil War”. On the one hand, his return is an exciting prospect as it’s the first time Marvel will be directly involved with an onscreen version of the character.

The new Spider-Man movie will reach British and American cinemas on 7th July 2017.

The fact that The Amazing Spider-Man producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach aren’t involved in any capacity is, well, spectacular news, and Marvel being so closely involved in the creative side of thing is exactly what this character needs after three lacklustre efforts. That’s right, because Peter Parker and his alter-ego are now involved in the MCU, you can expect some of those characters to feature in the new, untitled solo movie due in 2017. This will come after the web slinger has been introduced to the MCU in “Captain America: Civil War”.

However, while he has said that the inclusion of other Marvel characters in the standalone Spider-Man movie is highly likely, Feige can’t say just yet who will be joining Parker. Also, Spider-Man bouncing around and annoying the hell out the Hulk is also a comic book staple that fans would love to see.


Consequently, one of the most notable turns of this upcoming (third) Spider-Man solo film iteration is the early mandate to do away with the tragic, often-told origin story of Spider-Man.

Marvel Studios characters will join Spider-Man standalone movie