
Maryland police kill armed woman who threatened them

He was taken to Johns Hopkins Children’s Center for treatment.


Baltimore County Police Chief James Johnson told reporters that the officers knocked on Gaines’s door multiple times and stated that they were present to issue warrants.

Courtney, who is also black, fled with a 1-year-old boy and was arrested.

Officers had attempted to serve two warrants at the apartment in the first block of Sulky Court in Randallstown – one to Gaines for failing to appear in court on a traffic violation and other charges, and the other to the other occupant, Kareem Kiean Courtney, 39, for second-degree assault. The police also meant to serve warrants on a man who was also at the residence, Kareem Kiean Courtney, 39, for assault.

The woman was identified as Korryn Gaines.

The apartment building was evacuated and police reinforcements arrived to begin an hours-long negotiation with Gaines. Officers responded with further shots and the woman, as well as a 5-year-old child who had remained in the apartment, were struck.

After an hours-long standoff, police said in a news release that Korryn Gaines, 23, pointed the gun directly at an officer Monday afternoon and said, “If you don’t leave, I’m going to kill you”.

According to the Independent, a spokesperson said it is unclear whether body cameras caught footage of the shooting, because Baltimore police are now phasing them in and not all officers are outfitted with cameras yet.

The names of the officers involved will not be revealed until 48 hours have passed since the incident, as per police union agreements, according to the Baltimore Sun.

At this point the officers called in backup to negotiate with Gaines, after which she pointed her gun at the officers several times.

Following the death of another African-American at the hands of police, anger spilled out on social media pages. “We fired again at her, striking and killing her”. The little boy’s reply is shocking: “They’re trying to kill us”. After the officers got the manager of the complex to give them a key, the officers opened the door and saw the mother sitting on the floor with her baby in her arms and holding “a long gun”. It is unknown who fired the round that hit the child, and the relationship between the adults and the children was not immediately known.

“We are of course extremely upset at an event like this”, police spokeswoman Elise Armacost said at press conference, according to NBC News.

Police said it was not clear whether the child was struck by a round from the woman’s gun or by a round from a police service weapon.

Gaines’ relative, Andre Brady, told WBAL, “It was a bad situation to have the little boy in the house with her, her son, who is at the hospital”, adding, “But he’s OK”.

Yesterday morning, three officers appeared at the residence of Korryn Gaines, 23.


Gaines’ uncle Jerome Barnett told The Baltimore Sun that Gaines “was feisty, but she was smart and she was respectful”.

Woman 23 shot dead by police