
Massachusetts Unemployment Rate Drops to 4.6 Percent in September

September 2014 to September 2015, Tennessee’s unemployment rate dropped to 5.7 percent from 6.6 percent. “Despite last month’s job losses, six of the state’s major employment sectors are up from a year ago”, she said.


“This is an encouraging report”, James Wooster, chief economist for the New Jersey Department of Treasury, said in a prepared statement. The U-S unemployment rate for the month was 5.1 percent.

Construction jobs led the way.

Regionally, the Twin Cities metro, Duluth-Superior and Rochester areas all added jobs; the Mankato metro was flat and St. Cloud was down slightly.

During the worst of the recession, in February 2010, Fresno County’s unemployment rate stood at 18.4 percent, while the out-of-work population peaked at nearly 81,000 in January 2011. The state has a higher number of retirement-age individuals than the US average. People who have stopped looking for work aren’t counted.

Despite California’s falling unemployment rate, the pace of employment growth statewide was considerably slower last month. The state added nearly 5,000 jobs in September cutting the unemployment rate to its lowest level since Gov. Chris Christie first took office after being elected in November of 2009.


The preliminary job estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate Massachusetts lost 7,100 jobs in September i n the fields of education, health services, trade, transportation and utilities, construction, and manufacturing sectors.