
Massive Swarm of Grasshoppers and Beetles Headed to Oklahoma

“If you were down there, you wouldn’t see a swarm of bugs in the air but there’s just enough flying around to be sampled by the radar”.


The area appears to be rain, the video explains, but it’s actually grasshoppers and beetles.

On Wednesday, Channel Four News on a local channel relayed word of the unusual incident.

They are reportedly headed northeast towards Oklahoma.

The swirling collection of insects measured 50 miles across. Eventually, experts in Oklahoma realized that the buzzing cloud of yellow, black, brown, and green was most likely insects on the move.


It’s actually not that rare. Radar is very sensitive and if the conditions are just right, it can pick up all sorts of non-weather related objects and creatures. NWS offered this post on Twitter, “Check it out!” Those are flying insects, officials say.

National Weather Service