
Matt Damon and Jimmy Kimmel return for second round of ‘couples counseling’

The celebrity couple made a second trip to couples therapy on Jimmy Kimmel’s show Monday night.


Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon have had some serious issues getting along over the past couple of years. “We do not have a good relationship, and he’s been particularly hard lately because he’s got a big movie coming out on Friday”.

The freaky fighting has lasted over a decade as “The Martian” star has been part of a long-running joke by Kimmel, in which he apologizes to Damon for running out of time.

Kimmel explained that this counseling session was court-ordered and basically said that Damon was stalking him. In his defense, Jimmy said that he only has an hour and always runs out of time.

“You invite me everyday”, The “Jason Bourne” star said.

“There’s thousands and thousands of evenings that I’ve been just about to go on and then look what happens”, Damon griped. Damon drew a picture of Kimmel with a butt for a head. “I think probably the first I heard of him was when he played, uh, the teacher’s boyfriend in that movie that they mistakenly gave him an Academy Award for”. Matt also reminded him of the February episode when he had to bribe Ben Affleck to sneak him to the show inside his jacket. “He snuck onto the show even though he wasn’t supposed to be on the show”.


At the end of the clip, the therapist asked the duo to do a little “art therapy” and draw how they really feel about each other – make sure to check out the full clip above to see their hilarious illustrations! Which is progress because Kimmel revealed that incident left him feeling quite “Bat-trayed”.

Jimmy Kimmel hilariously sets the record straight on Matt Damon