
Matt Damon returns to ‘Jason Bourne’

He probably will continue to be unhappy for as long as this franchise has a future. Though Matt Damon reprises his role as the familiar bag-toting, fast-walking, ass-kicking ex-amnesiac, the world in which Jason Bourne operates is drastically different-sociopolitically, culturally, and technologically.


For Damon to make another Bourne film or two, he’s going to need an important factor of the series: director Paul Greengrass.

That would be enough for most Hollywood action films, I suppose, but for this franchise, it definitely feels like a letdown. The conflict doesn’t show the audience anything new about the character; it’s just an excuse for Bourne to shoot some people and wreck property.

Meanwhile, CIA Director Robert Dewey (Tommy Lee Jones) and his protege Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander) clash on how to handle Bourne’s resurfacing – he wants Bourne dead, she thinks he can be re-recruited.

The Cambridge native also joked that he is ready for a break from the strenuous fitness routine and strict diet he’s been adhering to in order to get in shape for his role as Jason Bourne.

There’s also classic action, like big auto chases.

The only previous film that could match the star power of Jason Bourne would be The Bourne Legacy, which featured Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton, and Oscar Isaac. “There are some really great fight sequences that we worked really hard on…and also we’ve got a vehicle chase in this movie that is bigger than anything we’ve ever done”. There’s twists, turns and a whole lot of drama along the way, and trust us when we say that Alicia more than holds her own against Matt Damon, Julia Stiles and Vincent Cassel.

Jason Bourne is back alright. Mila Kunis plays the over worked but under appreciated mom who teams up with other stressed out moms to blow off some much needed steam. “They’re really good sports”. Back in the USA, the Central Intelligence Agency director (Tommy Lee Jones) directs all his resources toward eliminating Bourne now that he has resurfaced.

Jason Bourne is an alright film, but it is missing a few things to make it great.


“There’s great action in this movie”.

Alicia Vikander stars in Jason Bourne, now playing in theaters