
Matt Damon sums up Jason Bourne franchise in 90 seconds

Matt Damon has made it possible for you to recap the entire Bourne film franchise in just 90 seconds.


The amnesiac’s forgotten story has left viewers with many questions and theories about the spy’s history, and Bourne, knowing more about his past, finally wants answers and wants to set the record straight. I don’t have enough time to watch all the other films before Jason Bourne’s release on July 29th, so I am thankful for this video. This life is disrupted, however, when Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles) comes back into his world, having hacked into the Central Intelligence Agency and discovered something new and important about the Treadstone program: it was actually created by Jason Bourne’s father (bum bum BUM!). Despite a nightmarish pre-production in the writer’s room, stemming from screenwriter Tony Gilroy’s dissatisfaction with the focus of 2004’s The Bourne Supremacy, Paul Greengrass’ blockbuster threequel shimmied by unscathed, closing the proverbial book on the Robert Ludlum adaptation and capping off one of the better trilogies in recent memory. With Robert Dewey (Tommy Lee Jones) as the new Central Intelligence Agency director, she knows that something worse is coming.

Of course, with a filmmaker as smart and talented as Paul Greengrass running the show, Jason Bourne does have some interesting things to offer within its mess of unfortunate choices, but they also lend the movie a bit of frustration to go with the audiences’ disappointment.


Damon makes his triumphant return to the role with co-stars Tommy Lee Jones, Alicia Vikander, and Julia Stiles this Friday when Jason Bourne hits theaters. Five years later, said reconfiguration surfaced with The Bourne Legacy, starring Jeremy Renner as another runaway soldier.

'Jason Bourne' - Film Review