
Matt Lauer gets slammed on Full Frontal With Samantha Bee

“The moderator is a man whose crack journalism skills include getting up early and asking tough questions about recipes”, she said as a video rolled of Lauer asking about how to use Cheez-Its in a recipe.


In the clip above, Bee cites a poll that shows the reanimated body of Clinton and the sack of dead meal worms that is Trump dangerously close to one another in the race, or what she calls the “margin of terror”. After playing footage of Lauer dressed up as a girl from Baywatch, Bee then suggests that “Maybe this Halloween he can dress up like a journalist”. “Do you really think there’s an email-smoking gun that the Inspector General, a House committee, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and 18 months of nonstop news coverage couldn’t find that will be magically uncovered from a human Splenda whose journalistic triumph is having no idea where the f– he is?” added Bee, referring to Lauer’s “Where In the World” segment.

Samantha Bee is back, and she’s not happy with how things have progressed, or regressed, during her show’s brief hiatus.

Bee addressed Lauer’s focus on Hillary Clinton’s email scandal in his questions. “I thought he as was fair and balanced as if I was watching FOX New”.

When Hillary was asked a serious question about troops in Iraq, Lauer wasted no time in cutting her short – saying: “As briefly as you can”.

Bee’s counterpoint: “Calling a liar a liar isn’t an opinion if you can prove it”. “Just keep your eyes on the prize and take that high road straight to the White House”.

“No! Bad!” Bee said, admitting to some frustration with Clinton’s campaign.

Yes, if you ask Bee, who then brought out the numbers to do the talking for her.


“Okay”, Bee concluded, “We are going to need a bigger basket”.

Samantha Bee lambasts the media for failing to properly fact-check Donald Trump