
Mauricio Macri Inaugurated As Argentina’s Next President: New Era of Unity

The energy world has been abuzz since Mauricio Macri won a surprise victory in Argentina’s presidential elections on November 22.


As part of his first day in the office of the presidency of Argentina, President Mauricio Macri met with President Ollanta Humala in the Palacio San Martin in Buenos Aires yesterday.

Mr Macri took the oath of office in Congress and is giving his inaugural speech, where he said he would work for all Argentines. Macri had accused the outgoing president of trying to “sabotage” his government.

Macri also confirmed that the State will look after everybody, “the State will be present where it is necessary, particularly with those that have less”.

Politics, he said, “is not a competition among leaders to see who has the biggest ego”. “It’s working together for the good of the people”.

Former president, Cristina Kirchner, bid her supporters farewell on Wednesday.

The 56-year-old Macri set out his agenda for change: “This government will know how to defend freedom, which is essential for democracy”, he said.

“Today a dream is being achieved”, Macri said as he took the oath 15 minutes ahead of schedule, surprising commentators who noted Argentina isn’t known for such punctuality. Macri vowed to bring about this change by incorporating it into his campaign, “Let’s Change!”

But for members of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo – whose children disappeared during the country’s dictatorship that began in the mid 1970s – Macri’s appointment is a mistake.

Throughout his campaign, Macri argued that measured free-market reforms would overhaul the struggling economy. He also plans to ease trade and currency controls, reports The Wall Street Journal.

He has also promised to improve relations with the US.


Macri said that during the last century society privileged individual leaderships in all walks of life, the search was for geniuses who would solve it all, but this century we’ve learnt things work out better when we have team work, professionalism, experience and good intentions.

On her final day in office Fernandez unveiled a bust of her late husband ex-president Nestor Kirchner