
May removes rivals as she names new Cabinet

“The fact that Theresa May is … appointing, of all people, this undiplomatic, unpredictable and disloyal hotshot as foreign minister seems absurd at first glance”, it said. Turning her back to the audience and looking bereaved, she was unable to hide the hammer blow, remaining speechless and grimacing for several seconds.


“What looks like a promotion could in fact be a poisoned chalice”, the left-leaning paper said, adding that “the real negotiations on the Brexit will be managed by a specially created ministry and by the prime minister’s cabinet”.

In comments to Europe 1 radio, Jean-Marc Ayrault said Mr Johnson had lied to the British people during the recent European Union referendum campaign and would now be under pressure “to defend his country”.

After the flurry of appointments within hours of May taking office further announcements are expected later this week.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Johnson’s appointment was a clear signal that Britain meant to leave the European Union and urged May to end uncertainty and give formal notice soon of London’s intention to withdraw.

When we pass new laws we will listen not to the mighty, but to you.

May’s appointment after a brief leadership contest in the governing centre-right Conservative Party brings some stability following a period of political disarray, which has also sparked a leadership challenge in the main opposition Labour Party.

Schaeuble spoke after meeting U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, who said he will meet new British counterpart Philip Hammond in London later Thursday.

No, although that will now be down to David Davis, another leading leave campaigner, who becomes the catchily titled secretary of state for exiting the European Union.

– May gave her former job of home secretary to Amber Rudd, Britain’s former energy secretary.

In her first address on the steps of her new Downing Street residence Wednesday May vowed to tackle “burning injustice”.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, the people of Papua New Guinea, and many others around the world have something in common: They’ve all been insulted at one point or another by Boris Johnson, Britain’s new top diplomat.

“(He has) his back against the wall to defend his country but also with his back against the wall the relationship with Europe should be clear”, Ayrault said.

May’s predecessor Cameron, appearing earlier in Downing Street with his wife Samantha and their three children, delivered his parting remarks to the nation after six years dominated by the Europe question and the aftermath of the global financial crisis.

May replaced David Cameron after he stood down following the seismic June 23 vote to leave the European Union, which sparked 3 weeks of intense political turmoil and volatility on the financial markets.


After the appointment was made, Frans Timmermans, the first vice-president of the European Commission, wrote a long Facebook post criticising the Leave campaign.

Boris Johnson among three Brexiteers with key roles in new UK cabinet