
McConnell Blasts Clinton, Pleads For Senate Support At RNC

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told CNN that he “totally” disagrees with Trump’s suggestion that USA support could be conditional, adding on a Facebook Live that North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is “the most successful military alliance in the history of the world”.


The less-messy Night Two of the RNC, officially branded with coercive label “Make America Work Again”, was many things-an infotainment/testimonial marathon, Donald Trump, Jr.’s political coming-out party, and a bully pulpit for Hollywood subsidies. “Have we had our arguments this year?”

“Hillary has changed her positions so many times it’s impossible to tell where conviction ends and ambition begins”, the Kentucky Republican said.

Usually, elected officials would be climbing over one another for the chance to deliver a prime-time speech on the convention stage or share the limelight with their party.

Some leading Republicans are rejecting Donald Trump’s suggestion that if he becomes president, the USA may revisit NATO’s longstanding policy of defending its allies against possible Russian aggression.

Pence told Fox News that a Trump administration would tell US allies “the time has come for them and for their citizens to begin to carry the financial costs of these worldwide obligations”.

Donald Trump’s campaign says it raised $3.5 million via online fundraising just on Wednesday.

“We can not reward incompetence and deceit”, Christie said in a speech that roused the audience, arguing that Clinton would bring more of the same from the Obama administration – “but with less charm and more lies”. “Guilty”, they yelled repeatedly.

It’s historically unusual, putting it generously, to say that the leader of the opposition party should be jailed. The idea of locking up the other party’s duly-selected nominee is in many ways antithetical to the principles of a free society.

The son of a Costa Rican and Argentinian, Alvarado said many factors motivate immigrants – corruption, crime, anarchy, hunger, despair. (Clinton is still favored roughly 60-40 in Nate Silver’s 531 analysis, down from 75-25 about a month ago).

Trump and his surrogates are determined to push this concept into the mainstream. “You’ll see her living it”, Booker said. Let’s keep the Senate.

Serious Republicans are bristling. Jeff Sessions and Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst said on CNN. Now, we’re not sure where she is.

– How swiftly has the rhetoric coarsened?

Former Republican presidential aspirant and neurologist Ben Carson suspected Clinton of ties with a mentor who worshipped Lucifer the devil.

“That doesn’t mean we’re the world’s policemen”, Portman said.

Republican Sen. Rob Portman of OH spent this week building houses with Habitat for Humanity, motivating young campaign volunteers and kayaking with wounded veterans on the Cuyahoga River.

For those of us who were honored to serve on the Democratic Party’s Platform Drafting Committee, we understood that far too many Americans are struggling to achieve the basic necessities of life.


“I said ‘No, your husband is wrong, ‘” Hutchison said. ” ‘It had two l’s, which is how she thought she was supposed to spell Hillary, ‘ Mrs. Clinton told reporters after the brief meeting on the tarmac, minutes before her Air Force jet flew past the peak of Everest itself”.

Delegates hold signs on the first day of the Republican National Convention on Monday evening at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland Ohio