
McConnell joins Ryan in call to reject racism

The Democratic front-runner said that while Trump is doing well, she will “wait and see who they nominate”.


Trump was asked Sunday about the support he has received from David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

“I signed up for the party of Abraham Lincoln – not the party of David Duke and Donald Trump…”

I’m talking about Trump telling the crowd that the security officers were being too nice to the protester being thrown out, noting, “I’d like to punch him in the face”.

A nationwide CNN/ORC poll released Monday found Trump has 49 percent support among Republicans, Senator Marco Rubio has 16 percent and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has 15 percent. “I disavowed David Duke the day before at a press conference”. Trump said Saturday on the show. Donald Trump you’re better than this.

A Republican senator who asked not to be identified, and a senior aide to another Republican senator, told Reuters that many private conversations were underway on Capitol Hill about finding ways to slow or stop Trump.

Some party donors, including hedge-fund manager Paul Singer and Meg Whitman, the Hewlett-Packard Enterprise chief executive, organised a phone call on Tuesday to get funding for an anti-Trump effort, The New York Times reported.

Trump has blamed a faulty television earpiece for his uncertain answers on Sunday to questions on CNN about Duke and the KKK, adding that he has previously distanced himself from Duke.

“The Tea Party was ignited because of fiscal issues”, Kremer said. “Donald Trump is a businessman that understands worldwide finance and his campaign is not at the behest of multinational corporations like other campaigns”. “I mean, how many times are you supposed to disavow?”

“In just the last few days, Trump has refused to condemn white supremacism and the Ku Klux Klan, praised dictators Saddam Hussein and Moammar Qaddafi, and proposed infringing upon the First Amendment of our Constitution”.

He brushed aside a tweet in which former GOP presidential standard-bearer Mitt Romney questioned whether he was qualified for the office, saying Romney was “a awful candidate”.

How can Trump think anyone could actually believe he doesn’t know who Duke or the Klan are?

While he’s been trying to stay out of the “day to day, ups and downs of the primary”, Ryan said, “when I see something that runs counter to who we are as a party and as a country, I will speak up”. On another network, Ronald Reagan’s former speechwriter was emphatic: We’re witnessing the shattering of a great American political party. “The Supreme Court vacancy, if nothing else, ought to cause people to reach that conclusion, so whatever people need to do in their individual races on order to maintain that majority, I wholeheartedly support”, Cornyn said.

The attacks on Trump could sound like the 2012 hits on Romney’s work at Bain Capital.

Trump said, “I can tell you the one person Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to run against is me”.


According to the membership club’s website, the landmark, Trump-owned estate, which he bought in 1985, is “one of the most important addresses in the world” – a haven for fine dining, outdoor recreation, including swimming, tennis, golf and croquet.

House Speaker Paul Ryan says his Republican Party “does not prey on people’s prejudices.”