
McCrory, Other Governors To Speak With White House About Syrian Refugees

In MI, where it has been have been resettled in the past year, Governor Snyder has said he will suspend the acceptance of new refugees until the US Department of Homeland Security “completes a full review of security clearances and procedures”.


President Obama intensified his criticism Wednesday of Republicans for trying to block Syrian refugees from emigrating to the USA, saying the GOP is giving in to “hysteria”.

Gov. Abbott was not on the call, which was led by White House chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Moreover, 26 governors, including one Democrat, have warned they would try to block the refugees’ entry into their states. “If the intelligence and law enforcement community can not certify a person presents no threat, then they should not be allowed in”.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees first screens applicants to determine if they are eligible and whether to send them to one of 28 countries, including the United States.

Both of Alaska’s US senators are asking for an immediate stop to any USA plans to grant Syrian refugees asylum.

In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, debate has intensified among American politicians regarding the settlement of Syrian refugees in the U.S.

The hashtag is associated with a website providing additional administration talking points and sparked a series of tweets posted to Obama’s presidential Twitter page.

“I do not trust this administration to effectively vet the people who are supposed to be coming in in order to protect the safety and security of the American people, so I would not permit them in”, he told a radio show.

Minnesota officials know of seven Syrian refugees who have moved to the state, although people can move in and out without telling anyone. The governor’s press office declined to give any more specifics on the new position, or explain how it differs from officials already at the state’s resettlement program. There is more intense screening for refugees from Syria, the officials said. “Other Governors shared those same concerns on the call with the White House”.


“The House Republican legislation would immediately shut down all refugee resettlement from Syria and Iraq, possibly for many years, and severely handicap future refugee resettlement around the world”, the lawmakers said.

Republican Senator from Texas Ted Cruz addresses the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland outside Washington DC