
McDonald’s to switch to cage-free eggs

McDonald’s buys about 2 billion eggs annually for its USA restaurants and 120 million for Canada to serve breakfast items such as Egg McMuffin and Egg White Delight. “We welcome McDonald’s actions to continue these efforts and are pleased to join them in sourcing cage-free eggs across their supply chain”.


And last month it dropped a major supplier of chickenmeat from its supply chain, following video footage by welfare group Mercy for Animals of birds being abused by a worker on a broiler farm in Tennessee.

“Our customers are increasingly interested in knowing more about their food and where it comes from”, said Andres.

As students prepare for their first day of school, McDonald’s restaurants in Carson City and Northern Nevada are helping kick-start their year with a breakfast. The company will work with industry experts and suppliers to identify the best path forward to meet the 100 per cent promise. The food chain has announced that it will begin phasing out the use of eggs from hens housed in cages. McDonald’s Canada introduced a salad leaf blend, including baby kale, in its three chef-inspired contemporary salads in May 2015.

Shapiro statesd that, by contrast, cage-free hens can move around in a barn from one level to the next. But once a company like McDonald’s decides to do just that, purchasing power in and of itself becomes a force for social good.

Recently, consumer concerns over how agricultural livestock and poultry have been raised. That has been fueled in part by places like Chipotle that have made animal welfare standards part of their marketing.

The company is such a big player in the food industry that its decisions have enormous repercussions – to the point that animal welfare advocates think the move could make caged hens obsolete.

After years of discussions with the Humane Society of the United States, McDonald’s has finally c0me up with a firm timeline for the much-needed switch. But it’s hard for the chain to make these changes because it’s so huge.

“Along with today’s news, recent announcements, from other industry leaders including Walmart and General Mills, will have a significant impact on the future of egg production and be a catalyst to end cage confinement for hens”, says Priscilla Massachusetts. Though customers welcomed the news, the timing of the move was questionable.

17 Jun 2015 — Food industry analyst New Nutrition has reported that the status of cheese, which is often seen as an unhealthy food choice due to its fat and salt content, is set for a renaissance. Anderson predicts that the shift to cage-free will drive the cost of eggs up even higher, “because you can not keep as many birds in that square footage”.


The decision to change sourcing of eggs is going to hit farmers from well as Canada, who haven’t bothered to accommodate their poultry properly and secure the relevant certification.

McDonald's Eggs