
MCSO: 56-year-old James Allen Darland arrested for bestiality in Wickenburg

Cops caught him out after posting an ad offering sex with animals at a remote farm in exchange for intimate relations with a dog.


The investigation was spear-headed by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in Arizona and on Tuesday, Sheriff Joe Arpaio posted a damning video to Facebook showing the accused man, identified as James Allen Darland, making arrangements to spend time on a farm in order to have sex with the animals.

Trending: Dying girl chooses heaven over the hospitalInvestigators say Darland told undercover detectives posing as farmers that he wanted to have sex with various animals on the farmer’s property, including with miniature horses, dogs and goats.

The Sheriff’s office said it had collected emails and recorded phone calls in which Darland allegedly admitted having sex with animals, including his neighbour’s horse, dogs and sheep. He also later admitted to having sex with animals on his routes he worked as a delivery man for 23 years. He also said he captured stray dogs around town so he could have sex with them, according to the sheriff’s office.

An investigation that began in September led deputies to arrest 56-year-old James Allen Darland of Mount Vernon, Washington.

The suspect personally met up with undercover detectives on Monday at a location near Wickenburg, where he talked in detail about what sex acts he had recently committed with his own dog and what he planned to do with an unneutered male dog the detectives brought to the scene.

Officials seized Darland’s dog – which he reportedly named “Playmate” in his correspondence with the detectives – and turned it over to animal welfare officials for an evaluation.


Darland, was arrested on Monday and booked on conspiracy to commit bestiality, a Class 6 felony.

MCSO: 56-year-old James Allen Darland arrested for bestiality in Wickenburg