
Media Furious that Matt Lauer Treated Trump and Hillary the Same

Mike Pence, governor of IN and Donald Trump’s running mate, said Thursday that it’s “inarguable” Russian President Vladimir Putin is a “stronger leader” than President Barack Obama.


Critics of the network, which mostly targets audiences outside of Russian Federation and also includes programming in Spanish, Hindi and Arabic, have described it as a propaganda arm of Putin’s government.

American presidential candidates are not prone to condemn their country before a foreign audience, even if they are fierce critics of the current administration while campaigning in the United States. Trump has said far worse about President Barack Obama in appearances on USA broadcast networks.

“The reason it has happened is, Donald Trump is not a credible candidate”, said Cal Jillson, a political science professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Clinton, many Democrats and even some in his own Republican party balked.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton immediately condemned Trump’s comments, asserting that the real-estate magnate would not hold Putin accountable if Trump became president.

“I really think its more this disrespect toward the senior officers that Mr. Trump is highlighting”, Tata added. They included Trump’s defense of a past tweet suggesting that sexual assault in the military is due to men and women serving together, and his long-standing claim that the USA should have seized oil reserves in Iraq and Libya.

“He’s been a leader far more that our president has been a leader”, Trump said of the Russian president. “She even mysteriously lost 13 different phones before the Federal Bureau of Investigation could get them – some were even destroyed with a hammer”, he said.

Both candidates are hoping to capitalize on concerns about national security and paint their opponents as unqualified leading into the November 8 presidential election. A “commander in chief” forum, hosted by NBC on the decommissioned USS Intrepid, which is now a floating museum, brought Clinton, 68, and her Republican rival Donald Trump, 70, together just weeks before they square off at the first presidential debate on September 26.

During a televised forum Wednesday on national security, Trump complimented Putin for having “great control over his country”.

According to fact checks by several news organizations – particularly BuzzFeed and others like PolitiFact -Trump did, in fact, support the Iraq war in 2002.

“What I did learn is that our leadership, Barack Obama, did not follow what our experts. said to do”, Trump said.


It was also strategic: Donald Trump was out on the campaign trail drawing negative headlines almost every day, and there was no reason to risk a gaffe or controversial remark that might get in the way of that. Eastern time, as the GOP nominee is making steady polling gains in swing states but finds himself embroiled in yet another controversy – this time for his lavish praise of Russian demagogue Vladimir Putin.

Image Hillary Clinton Laverne Cox