
Media sue for video in Ohio fatal traffic-stop shooting

Tensing can be heard on the call yelling “Shots fired”. Dubose was driving away when Tensing shot him, police said.


“He took off on me”, Tensing says on the call.

Authorities say Officer Ray Tensing was at the edge of campus Sunday evening when he spotted a auto, driven by Dubose, that was missing a front license plate, which is required by Ohio law. Filed by Enquirer attorney Jack Greiner, the lawsuit says Deters’ decision to withhold the video is in violation of state open records laws. Authorities say the officer fired the shot during the struggle.

Sam Dubose’s death comes as American police forces face a few sharp criticism and mad protests over their use of force, particularly in light of several high-profile deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of white police officers.

Another UC officer responding to the scene, Phillip Kidd, backed up Tensing’s account, saying he witnessed Dubose’s 1998 Honda Accord dragging Tensing and Tensing firing one shot, in line with the report.

Ono said that many at the university are “down” in spirits as they deal with the effects of having a tragic event be tied so closely to their own campus.

“Officer was dragged by vehicle during struggle”, “footerText”: “Brought To You By”, “authorLineLabel”: “By”, “showBylineLabel”: null, “showDatelineLabel”: null, “showPublicationDateLabel”: null, “authorSnippetLabel”: “By”, “showNativeInfoTooltipText”: true, “showNativeAdSynopsis”: true, “showByline”: true, “showDateline”: true, “showPublicationDate”: true, “hasAuthor”: true, “displayMultipleAuthors”: false, “showAuthor”: true, “showAuthorSnippet”: false, “showSubHeadline”: false }’>[Native Advertisement]. Tensing was wearing his body camera at the time.

He said that because the campus is in an urban area, it becomes lumped into national discussions about race, policing and other topics. Police determined the man was dead.

Weibel said the officer complained of pain to his left arm after the stop. “It’s regrettable we have no other action to take but to petition the court for its immediate release”.

The FOIA requests and the lawsuit seek public release of all video related to the July 19 shooting of 43-year-old Samuel Dubose.

About 20 people protested outside Hamilton County prosecutor Joe Deters’ office.

Ebony Johnson, cousin of Samuel Dubose, speaks to the media outside…

“We want to make sure the university is really applying best practices in terms of how they’re handling the public safety of our community”, Ono said.

Investigators will present the evidence to Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters, who will decide if any criminal charges are warranted, as reported by a press release issued Wednesday.

Also Thursday, state Sen. “The law supports our position to not release the video”, he said in a statement.

“The family of Mr. Dubose deserves answers sooner rather than later”, said Thomas, D-Cincinnati.


Tensing has been placed on administrative leave with pay, university police said.

Ebony Johnson cousin of Samuel Dubose speaks to the media outside the office of Hamilton County prosecutor Joe Deters office during a protest demanding release of video showing the shooting death of Dubose by a University of Cincinnati police officer