
Meet a Black Gay Trump Supporter, Courtesy of Samantha Bee

Former Daily Show correspondent Samantha Bee, who now has her own show on TBS, took a courageous step in combatting the assumption that all of Donald Trump’s supporters are uneducated bigots.


The minority Trump supporter later said Trump represents a pro-nationalist sentiment, one without racism. What lights up the dopamine centers of xenophobe/racist/nationalists?

Bee ridiculed the senator – who she described as “the son of a former Cuban revolutionary and a soiled back issue of National Review” – with footage from his days as an actor in college, including video of him saying he hoped to “be in a teen t*t film” like one of his classmates, which almost made her double over in revulsion.

Bee put aside her idealogical differences, bit her tongue and met with a panel of genuine Trump supporters. Bee was on fire, quickly quipping with much of the lunacy that came from the group. What she discovered was a group of intelligent young people that momentarily push aside all reason in order to maintain their unwavering support of Trump. Hopefully someone will get to the bottom of it soon… because a President Trump is a scary future that might end up happening if we don’t. They argued that you had to acknowledge the “context” of Trump saying he wants to punch a protester in the face. “I think you’re kind of a trickle-down media whore because you’re just getting the remains”.


To this statement, The Full Frontal host keeps her composure and simply asks the supporter how she alone became a media whore for Trump amid the “bukkake” of journalist and media outlets simply reporting on Trump’s unruly behavior. “How do you fact-check bluster?” There was nothing else she could say to change his mind.

Samantha Bee