
Meg Whitman latest high-profile Republican to endorse Clinton

“Whenever there’s a potential story that’s damaging to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, Donald Trump essentially has the Clinton campaign’s back and makes sure that that story won’t get the coverage it would otherwise receive”, said former Republican National Committee spokesman Doug Heye, who is not supporting Trump. Some supporters hope Pence will counterbalance Trump’s more provocative remarks.


Despite all the controversies, the Donald Trump campaign continued to lure contributions to his campaign, stating today that they were able to raise in excess of $56 million. The poll represents a change of 6 points from last month’s poll when Clinton was up 44 percent to 38 percent.

Whitman, who says she’s not switching political parties, has long supported Republican agendas. She also said that Trump had “already undermined the character of the nation”. Two years later, she gave $100,000 to Republican Mitt Romney’s campaign for president.

Trump said Wednesday that his campaign was “right now the best, in terms of being united, since it began”.

“Ms. Whitman also said she “absolutely” stood by her comments at a private gathering of Republican donors this year comparing Mr. Trump to Hitler and Mussolini, explaining that dictators often come to office through democratic means”.

While Whitman did not officially endorse Clinton until this week, she’s made no secret of her disdain for Trump.

Hanna said he has issues with the GOP’s nomination process and he’s pushing for more Republicans to publicly reject Trump.

Trump was late to kick off traditional campaign fund-raising efforts, preferring to largely use his own funds during the Republican primary.

Hillary Clinton has experienced a 6-point gain in her image since mid July, and now has a 44 percent favorable rating.

Days later, as Republicans recoiled over criticizing a Gold Star family, Trump dug in, the dust-up serving to reinforce the fears of his Republican critics that their candidate is incapable of letting go of a grudge.

A Colorado congressman is the first House Republican to expressly distance himself from Donald Trump in a campaign ad.


In May, Whitman said Trump’s free trade policy, which, among other things, advocates renegotiating trade agreements with China, would be damaging for American business as a whole, including HP. He says the nation needs to invest more in training to deescalate heated situations involving police so that they don’t turn violent.

Meg Whitman Backs Hillary Clinton, Denounces Donald Trump