
Megyn Kelly: ‘I will not apologize for doing good journalism’

Ted Cruz’s and Donald Trump’s performances received 11 percent support each, while the remaining participants rated in the single digits. He has jumped ahead of his Republican rivals in polls nationwide and in early voting states despite stirring controversy with contentious remarks about Mexican immigrants and lashing out at his opponents. During the half-hour long interview, Trump spoke about a number of issues, including equal pay for women, foreign policy, and abortion.


Trump’s campaign has begun soliciting fundraising dollars through its website.

Governor Charlie Baker has made a practice of cautiously answering questions about the rise of Donald J. Trump, as part of his strategy to avoid getting drawn into the caustic arena of national Republican politics.

Trump’s appearance comes a day after Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes called the reality TV star to assure him that the network would treat him fairly. Despite the appeals, campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks said Mr Trump would continue to finance the campaign, but has “been overwhelmed by unsolicited contributions”.

Trump appeared on Sean Hannity’s show on Tuesday night, taking over the full hour, and stretching over into Wednesday night.

During the GOP debate, Kelly asked Trump to prior misogynistic comments he’s made in the past, which have included referring to women as fat pigs and slobs.

The CNN conversation was much more heated, as host Chris Cuomo pressed Trump on his lack of specific policy proposals since declaring his presidential run.

Omarosa Manigault and Katrina Campins, who both competed in season one of the program, vouched for Trump as someone they have known for 10 years.

Trump also told enthusiastic supporters at the Birch Run Expo Center that he wants to “make America great again”, and spoke of marketing ideas such as re-branding.


“It’s all entertainment. I think he’s having the time of his life, being up on that stage, saying whatever he wants to say”, the Democratic presidential frontrunner said. We’re tracking all of the polls this week to see what the consensus says, as that’ll be a reasonably good indicator of where the race really stands right now. “I felt he was asked a tough but fair question”.

WASHINGTON DC- MARCH 09 U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders waits to be introduced prior to his address to a National Press Club Newsmaker Lunche