
Megyn Kelly: Trump ‘Out of Line’ With Hispanic Judge Comments

West Virginia’s leading Republicans remain silent on the matter. “Now, this judge is of Mexican heritage”, Trump said. (According to one former employee of the now-defunct for-profit school, whose testimony was revealed on Tuesday, “Trump University was a fraudulent scheme” that “preyed upon the elderly and uneducated.”) The conflict, according to Trump, derives from the fact that Curiel is “of Mexican heritage” and a member of a Latino lawyers’ association. But after Donald Trump made a few comments to the Wall Street Journal about Federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, Kelly quickly reorganized her show with just a few hours to prepare. He continuously referred to Curiel as Mexican, even though Curiel was born in East Chicago, Indiana, in 1953.


Trump continued throughout the week.

To be fair here, the insiders in the Politico caucus have not been very enthusiastic about Trump thus far. I have been treated very unfairly. “I’m building a wall”, he said. “Wouldn’t that be wild if I am president and come back and do a civil case?” Dominguez – also a Mexican American – said the comments about Judge Curiel will worsen Trump’s standing among Latinos.

For his part, Trump kicked off his swift and unexpectedly successful march toward the Republican nomination by calling Mexicans “rapists”, and saying they are criminals and drug dealers.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, Rep. Alex Mooney, Rep. Evan Jenkins and state Senate President Bill Cole, the Republican nominee for governor, have all endorsed Trump for president.

Trump has made insulting comments about veterans, so maybe judges who served in the military couldn’t be trusted, either.

“I had nothing but a great experience with Trump University”, Moyer said.

Trump has promised to hold Curiel accountable if elected.

“Judge Curiel and his family epitomize the American dream”, Clinton Hispanic outreach staffer Lorella Praeli said.

Wild indeed. If Mr Trump wins the White House, he will have a bully pulpit at his disposal from which he could unravel basic principles of American democracy. A website promoting the book also features a photo of a smiling Houston Gunn posing with Trump in what appears to be the then reality TV star’s Trump Tower office.

Other Republicans have not been so hesitant.

“They ought to look into Judge Curiel”, Trump declared at the time, “because what Judge Curiel is doing is a total disgrace”.

“It’s reasoning I don’t relate to”. “I completely disagree with the thinking behind that”.


“So he clearly says and does things I don’t agree with, and I’ve had to speak up on time to time when that has occurred, and I’ll continue to do that if that’s necessary”, Ryan added. “I hope it’s not”. Brother Raul Curiel told ABC7 that his brother is objective and has absolutely no agenda against Trump. It does not engage in presidential politics.

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