
Melania Trump likes Michelle Obama; why don’t Republicans?

The lack of endorsement by Cruz, who mentioned Trump’s name only once, was not surprising. He won the second most delegates during the 2016 primary, and as the most high-profile conservative in the party, he gives GOP voters a chance to move on from a Trump loss without moving ideologically to the middle.


Earlier in the day, blocks away from the arena, a right-wing religious group lifted a banner reading “Jesus is angry with you sinners”, while kissing lesbians mocked their message, helping turn Cleveland’s Public Square into part-carnival, part-debate floor. Faced with the unenviable task of introducing himself to the nation while attempting to unify the party that Cruz had just re-broken, Pence had just the right trick up his sleeve: an incredibly boring speech that omitted nearly all of his own controversial beliefs.

“And to those listening, please, don’t stay home in November”, he said at another point.

“We’re fighting, not for one particular candidate or one campaign”, he said in his speech’s most telling line, “but because each of us wants to be able to tell our kids and grandkids. that we did our best for their future, and for our country”.

Cruz told Trump in a phone conversation two days ago that he would not endorse him during his speech, according to Cruz aide Jason Johnson.

“The time for fighting each other is over”.

At times since sewing up the nomination, Mr. Trump has hinted that he doesn’t care about earning his competitors’ backing. Trump allies were infuriated, including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who said Cruz’s decision was “totally selfish”. “Americans can elect someone who literally personifies the failed establishment in Washington, D.C., or we can choose a leader who will fight every day to make America great again”, the Hoosier chief executive and former congressman said during a steady speech, doubtlessly a welcome change from Melania Trump’s plagiarism controversy on Monday and the Cruz eye-opener Wednesday.

“There are people that their only reason for being here is disruption, disorder, chaos, hurting people and damaging property”, Williams said.

Describing Donald Trump as an ‘incredible parent, ‘ Ivanka Trump complimented her dad’s sense of humor and his authenticity.

Trump, who will represent the party in the November 8 election against presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, made his entrance to the convention hall near the end of Cruz’s speech, applauding Cruz’s remarks but, by his appearance, distracting the crowd from his former rival.

The passages in question came near the beginning of Mrs. Trump’s almost 15-minute speech. Melania Trump plagiarized Michelle Obama’s speech in attempt to convince Republicans that she’s a part of a family that ought to be in the White House. “No harm was meant”.

But in the world we actually inhabit one is tempted to call it a gaffe when a statement from a staff writer includes the revelation that Trump’s wife likes and admires the current president’s wife.

I honestly don’t know if it’s because Hillary is a woman or because she’s been around as a political figure for so long or because her email server makes her look like she thinks she’s above the law but the hatred of her here is vicious and visceral. “I could see him doing that”, Devine said.

Marco Rubio, another former Trump rival, will address delegates by video, and Trump’s son Eric will follow his brother and sister at the GOP podium.


The businessman later responded to the snub with a tweet, “Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the stage, didn’t honor the pledge!”

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